Sunday, November 28, 2010
Jay CHou Ticket SOld Out within 5 hours!
U can see this....we have to wait for long queue and some of them waited from 26.11.2010 10.30pm night!
I was so shocked to hear this....this is damn kua jiong~
Yeah! after few hours, finally bought on b4 1pm...especially need to thanks to Yi sing's mom and Yi Sing which is Citibank card holder....
we actually had a bad experience. I complained with them about they provided Citibank server down service that made us waited for long time than those no express way! WTH!
and thank you to my Dear fei fei- accompany with me to buy tickets that he dislike with him...wakakaka
Finally ady bought it~ YEAH
Once some1 ringtone put Jay chou's song, I feel touching...
i can feel the night of concert!~
Hopefully Jay chou can view us in the video!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Little About US
于不了解金牛座的人,对金牛抱有成见的人常常觉得金牛有不少的缺点: 贪吃啊、固执啊、拜金啊、闷声不响啊、内向保守啊、反应超慢啊……诸如此类的。 其实,这些都是对金牛座的误解,金牛座的人性格要比这些复杂的多。 金牛座的人确实是寡言少语,不过,这并不代表没有思想、没有见解。 恰恰相反,金牛座的人大多都是很有思想和内涵的, 只是有时候他们不屑于无谓的争辩或是和无聊的人争辩, 他们心里都很蔑视那些喳喳呼呼而有毫无水准的人。 他们也不喜欢十分喧闹的场合(虽然他们并不是不能疯 通常选择的都是自娱自乐;做事比较低调不自信, 其实心里都有一种一鸣惊人的欲望,而通常他们确实又都具备这个能力。 高傲和自卑这对双生姐妹在金牛座身上体现得特别明显。
金牛座的人通常对吃的要求很高,但这并不代表他们就是贪吃。 他们喜欢的是精美可口的食物而并非仅仅是填报肚子, 对垃圾食物他们一般是不屑一顾的。 因为他们对味觉比常人较敏感,所以他们把吃也当作是一种欣赏品位的过程。 而金牛座对事物的鉴赏能力也是很出名的。 另外,美食还可以减轻金牛座常常产生的焦躁不安情绪 及莫名其妙的低落心情。 而这种情绪是常常回在金牛座的身上出现的,也就是所谓的低潮期。
金牛座的人有很重的浪漫情怀,感情细腻也很激烈, 但由于他们不善于表达,所以总给人一种冷漠无情的错觉, 其实金牛座的人对感情是很认真的,也愿意为爱人赴汤蹈火, 但是一旦受到伤害,他就回用封锁一切的态度来面对感情。 表面上他可能装作毫不在乎(通常牛儿们都是这样做的) 其实心里在乎的要命。 他们相信爱情,但是对爱情的结果通常抱以悲观的看法。 归根到底,金牛座是彻彻底底的悲观主义者。 但是他们的行为不完全消极,反而给人一种积极向上的感觉, 他们对名利、金钱虽然看的很透彻,但仍怀有或强或弱的欲望, 这就是为什么金牛座的人喜欢拼命赚钱但是绝不拜金, 他们是不屑于做金钱的奴隶的。 他们淡泊名利但不出世。如果有必要他们也会不顾一切向上 但这种动机和目的跟其他单纯出自欲望的人们是截然不同的, 他们这样做绝对有非做不可的理由。 他们不会局限于物质方面的追求,其实他们关注更多的是精神层面的东西, 所以金牛座的人通常是物质精神两不误。
金牛座的人大多是很有主见的,当然这一点有时候过分了就成了固执了。 他们有独创的意见和启发他人的能力, 这种才能会不会表现出来当然还得看他们乐不乐意。 他们也很富有叛逆精神,但通常不会做出太越轨的事, 因为他们在这方面还是较为懒散的,但一旦刺激了他们这根神经, 他们肯定会作出一些离经叛道的惊人之举, 小心被逼得没有后路的他们是最危险的。
金牛座在某些方面有着惊人的领悟力,或是数学、或是哲学、 更多的是音乐和艺术方面。在这些领域他们可堪称天才。 虽然他们表面温温吞吞的,但其行事乖张不下于双子, 而平常人根本猜不透他们毫无表情的外表下到底在想些什么, 他们也不会喜欢跟人粘得腻腻歪歪的, 保持距离是他们的处世哲学,虽然这并不代表冷漠。 所以爱上金牛座的人是很折磨人的一件事。
金牛座的人直率但不过火,真诚但不是什么话都跟人说, 他们很会替他人着想,他们很能体会人间疾苦, 即使是那些从小在温室中长大的牛儿们也极具同情心。 但是当金牛座的人受到严重打击时, 他们是会比任何人都更加冷酷无情和不择手段的。 他们懂得如何善良,同时也懂得如何邪恶。
总之,金牛座的人是非常富有魅力的。 特别是和他深入接触了之后, 他们广博的知识和幽默的谈吐以及个性的作风使人欣赏。 当然他们外表也会散发出一股独特的气质, 通常不是遭人异常的厌恶就是使人深深的被吸引。
巨蟹认为爱情是很私人的问题,不愿意在别人面前公开自己的爱情. 巨蟹不喜欢虚华的东西,比如喝酒,别的男人都以自己能喝而自豪, 而他们即便能喝也不会多喝一点,他们不认为自己不能喝是什么丑事, 相反,他们追求的正和那些俗人们相反, 情感也一样,现在的男人都以自己搞过多少女人而自豪,巨蟹永远认为忠心才是最完美的. 他们只会对那些低俗男人们做法嗤之以鼻,但他们不会指责或做出过激的行动来制止这些事,因为他们认为这是别人的私事,我管好我自己就行了. 也许婆婆妈妈不是好习惯,但总比有的星座装冷酷晾着你强吧!
巨蟹喜欢被爱人追逐的感觉,但他决不会对这种追逐没有回应,他就是这种性格,只要你愿意先给他一个苹果, 他就会乐甸甸的把整个世界都给你!蟹子不论男女都爱玩凄惨,他们会在自己为自己制造的凄惨悲凉中屁甸屁甸的享受落泪的感觉,而你不明白所以以为这是真的悲哀,虽然他们玩的都跟真的似的,但只要你不犯原则性的错误,和巨蟹的爱情总是有惊无险的,就象过山车,惊险刺激,但是很安全,不过任何事情不会有绝对,只要你把握住:
1 不做原则上对不起他的事情,
2 保卫你的爱情,不让别的女孩靠近她。(一般他不会主动靠近不熟悉的女孩)
3 落泪装可怜,激发他的同情心,这是最后一招,也是屡试不爽的一招!
他们以自我为中心,懂得自我保护,最关心的人是自己。他们最害怕孤独,但又注定了孤独。他们常常生病。他们有很多秘密。他们把真实的自己藏于夜半的寂静和午间笑声的明朗中…… 其实巨蟹很有才的,但是他们却是默默的 从来不张扬的,他们没有出人头地的愿望(大多数) ,所以很多人总是说巨蟹的人胆小又懦弱。可是别忘了,巨蟹的武器。鳌 巨蟹是外柔内刚的。所以请不要没事惹看似柔弱的巨蟹。否则,你会很惨。
巨蟹有很多的优点:坚强,是隐藏最深的力量。心软,是巨蟹都有的一面。巨蟹的美,好多人不懂得欣赏。那么,如果你不懂得欣赏,就请离巨蟹远点吧。因为,巨蟹是宁愿自己伤心,也不愿别人痛苦的。 就算有再多的痛苦,也不会让别人看出来。喜欢一个人承受。对於巨蟹座的人来说,其实另一半若是有难的时候,反而是他们可以发挥所长帮助所爱的人,因为很多巨蟹座认为日子过太好的时候,反而觉得自己没有什麼用,就好像是一个附属品,但是在有难的时候,你才会发现原来自己巨蟹座的另一半吸收苦难的能力那麼强。
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Genting-1 day trip^^
yeah...just came back from Genting that i didn't go there for a period of time...
a year perhaps? haha...
I went with Chris and his family....I'm so happy had a chance spent time with his family...
(although his parent was in the Casino...haha).
B4 reached at Genting,i was quite worried about any accident...
because i had heard many stories from Lynne...
and i keep console myself must think positively...dun scare...haha
what a coward am i...
Luckily, everything's was smooth except i had sick and bought medicine this morning,haha
But thank god,i din running nose,hahaha...
capture many picutures i shall share right here^^
a year perhaps? haha...
I went with Chris and his family....I'm so happy had a chance spent time with his family...
(although his parent was in the Casino...haha).
B4 reached at Genting,i was quite worried about any accident...
because i had heard many stories from Lynne...
and i keep console myself must think positively...dun scare...haha
what a coward am i...
Luckily, everything's was smooth except i had sick and bought medicine this morning,haha
But thank god,i din running nose,hahaha...
capture many picutures i shall share right here^^
His elder sis and young sis^^ Allison & Diana
(my face look very ugly,so unfocused it)
We have a nice smile^^
chapping skin again =.="
inside the train
Hi Diana
What a noob faces of us,wakaka...
Yeah...I hope we have next plan for 1 day trip like this so excited^^
Yeah...I hope we have next plan for 1 day trip like this so excited^^
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Click this useful info link!
1. imidazolidinyl Urea and Diazolidinyl Urea — These are the most commonly used preservatives after the parabens. They are well established as a primary cause of contact dermatitis (American Academy of Dermatology). Two trade names for these chemicals are Germall II and Germall 115. Neither of the Germall chemicals have a good antifungal, and must be combined with other preservatives. Germall 115 releases formaldehyde at just over 10°. These chemicals are toxic.
2. Methyl and Propyl and Butyl and Ethyl Paraben — Used as inhibitors of microbial growth and to extend shelf life of products. Widely used even though they are known to be toxic. Have caused many allergic reactions and skin rashes. Methyl paraben combines benzoic acid with the methyl group of chemicals. Highly toxic。 这个是多数产品都有的。
3. Petrolatum — I see this on lip products from time to time, which is humorous to me because they're usually advertised as protecting the lips from sunburn, chapping and so forth. Petrolatum is mineral oil jelly, and mineral oil causes a lot of problems when used on the skin photosensitivity (i.e., promotes sun damage), and it tends to interfere with the body's own natural moisturizing mechanism, leading to dry skin and chapping. You are being sold a product that creates the very conditions it claims to alleviate. Manufacturers use petrolatum because it is unbelievably cheap.
4. Propylene Glycol — Ideally this is a vegetable glycerin mixed with grain alcohol, both of which are natural. Usually it is a synthetic petrochemical mix used as a humectant. Has been known to cause allergic and toxic reactions.
5. PVP/VA Copolymer — A petroleum-derived chemical used in hairsprays, wavesets and other cosmetics. It can be considered toxic, since particles may contribute to foreign bodies in the lungs of sensitive persons.
6. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate — This synthetic substance is used in shampoos for its detergent and foam-building abilities. It causes eye irritations, skin rashes, hair loss, scalp scurf similar to dandruff, and allergic reactions. It is frequently disguised in pseudo-natural cosmetics with the parenthetic explanation "comes from coconut."
7. Stearalkonium Chloride — A chemical used in hair conditioners and creams. Causes allergic reactions. Stearalkonium chloride was developed by the fabric industry as a fabric softener, and is a lot cheaper and easier to use in hair conditioning formulas than proteins or herbals, which do help hair health. Toxic.
8. Synthetic Colors — The synthetic colors used to supposedly make a cosmetic "pretty" should be avoided at all costs, along with hair dyes. They will be labeled as FD&C or D&C, followed by a color and a number. Example: FD&C Red No. 6 / D&C Green No. 6. Synthetic colors are believed to be cancer-causing agents. If a cosmetic contains them, don't use it.
9. Synthetic Fragrances — The synthetic fragrances used in cosmetics can have as many as 200 ingredients. There is no way to know what the chemicals are, since on the label it will simply say "Fragrance." Some of the problems caused by these chemicals are headaches, dizziness, rash, hyperpigmentation, violent coughing, vomiting, skin irritation by a cosmetic that has the word "Fragrance" on the ingredients label.
10. Triethanolamine — Often used in cosmetics to adjust the pH, and used with many fatty acids to convert acid to salt (stearate), which then becomes the base for a cleanser. TEA causes allergic reactions including eye problems, dryness of hair and skin, and could be toxic if absorbed into the body over a long period of time
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