yeah,this is my kingdom ate lunch with me,
at 港饮讲食@One Utama. the food very it^^
just nicole ate the toast only....hahaha
the present box^^from 6B buddies.
they celebrated with me in cheong k in Brem Mall,
i was so surprise...
never expect they will rmb my birthday
and would celebrate with me...
since nowadays all our frens is busy on their own things....
really appreciate it...hehehe,muackz
wakaka,she lOoked suffer....>w<
siao siao one...
really thank you to u guys celebrated with me, long time no see yk n yehfoo adi,thankful they still rmb me, wakaka
thanks shin cher and wai yue gave me many candies and chocolates...
love it so muchh^^v
and i love this present so much....
crab crab in the cup,wakaka....
thanks to chris ya^^
i'm so happy in this 20th of bday,
so many surprises and present i got this year^^
thanks everyone wished me in facebook,friendster and sms too^^
i'm officially 20th,and still have one year to become a mature adult,
can i slow down the time? it flies >.<>
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