Here is my desire about my job...
imagine it
I have flexible working hours... only work 8hours every mon-friday
I possess my own here and there while I'm working with my team mates and meet clients.
I have many client who need my help...I keen to help others...
I get alot allowance and commissions...
I get free yearly travelling to other countries which I want to travel...
I get gain alot knowledge about how to make alot money through finance...
I can gain alot experiences from professionals and seniors...
I can earn 5 digit income as early as possible
I can achieve my goal as early as possible
I can get a higher position
I can be a leader
I want make others to be successful.
I can be strong and stronger......
set a positive mindset
and be kind to others...(by helping others person) kinda late, i have to sleep now...I want look younger and energetic too...hehe
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